Fellow readers, this just in! Lauren Brooke just released a brand-new product! Introducing.... their New Botanical Cream Trio Sticks! What exactly are these Trio Sticks you might ask? Great question! They are contour, cream blush of various shades, and highlight in an easy-to-use twist tube design! I've been given the tremendous honor of testing out and reviewing these newly released products, so that I can bring forth to my readers and viewers honest opinions on these products. But first....let's see how truly lovely these products are! Que the pictures! Let's start with the packaging....I love the packaging! The white and silver twist tube design makes application mess-free, clean, and is easy to travel with. Just stick these in your purse and you can grab and apply them on the go! Next, according to the Lauren Brooke, these products are 100% organic! (*Insert unflattering and perhaps unladylike squeal of excitement*). I love when companies include organic ingredients
A Joyful Advent Box Perfect for the Holidays! I am excited to share with you all a new idea for celebrating advent and the holidays! Lauren Brooke Co. has come out with their very own advent box (pictured above) and it is sure to bring fun and excitement to those who receive it. Featuring a variety of beauty and skin care products this is a great idea for a teen or lady who enjoys a little pampering, beauty, and self care. Feel free to view my YouTube video review on this product and watch me open each advent box before your very eyes! https://youtu.be/j0fzLn-dAoo You can purchase this product directly from my affiliate link below for $45 if you would like to support me as an affiliate of the company. I received this product in exchange for my review. Your support is welcome and appreciated. Thank you. My affiliate link: http:// laurenbrookecosmetiques.com/?afmc=4p **Side note: My blog and any videos/links may use certain Blogger/Google cookies (ex: Google Analytics/AdSense cookies) a