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Reusable Menstrual Cloth Pads and Tampons

The title of this blog post may put some people off at first. After all, the thought of reusing menstrual items is not something many people would gladly jump at the chance to do, mostly due to the fact that periods are considered an uncomfortable topic of discussion and there is many misinformation or lack of information regarding it. Let's face it, not everyone grows up with parents who teach us about reusable alternatives. So, naturally, I believe many of us shy away from such topics, while others run away screaming. 

When I have tried to breach this topic in conversation with my friends, I have received all kinds of replies, such as "Eeewww!!!", "You use what?", "Isn't that unsanitary?", and "Why in the world would you choose to do that when you can use disposables?"  I used to be one of you naysayers, too scared of her own crotch to consider such a thing due to the ick factor. However, it's time that we stop thinking of menstruation as something we can't talk about, something so gross that just the discussion of it is a taboo, let alone consider talking about healthy, economical, environmentally-friendly alternatives. 

Needless to say, many of my friends cannot fathom reusing cloth pads or tampons. Many of them just don't understand how it works, why someone needs to even consider alternatives when there are disposables, what the benefits are (financially, health wise, environmentally, etc.), or the ease in cleaning and sanitizing reusable products. Yes, even the fact that periods are a taboo subject has many of them giving me bug-eyed looks of concern for my psychological well-being. However, I do want to put information out there for readers, so that they can be informed about these options if it is something they choose to pursue. 

What reusable options are there? There are many options available, some of which I have just recently discovered. These include, panty liners, pads for all sizes, shapes, and period flows, the menstrual cup (one of my personal favorites, such as the Diva cup, the Keeper cup, etc.), natural sea sponge tampons, and 100% cotton reusable tampons (these are sold on etsy and ebay; one of which is pictured below in a wrapper). 

 I will be reviewing each of these options to ensure that my readers are informed. In doing so I will discuss my thoughts on these products, personal experiences, cleaning, care, and storing these products, and where to find and purchase these items online. I will also discuss my own mini clothes line that I made and love to use for all of my products (pictured below). 

But, why would someone want to use reusable pads or tampons? The sad fact is that landfills are overloaded with disposable, plastic, non-biodegradable menstrual products. If you have ever looked into cloth diapering, you will know that it takes forever for disposable diapers to decompose. The same goes for disposable pads and tampons. Its just not healthy for our environment let alone for our bodies, which we expose to countless chemicals each month of the year from using store-bought products. It is better to use a reusable method, such as the natural sea sponges  pictured below (which can be used up to approximately 6 months and trimmed to fit your individual preferences and shape).

Another benefit, is that you can save loads of money by using reusable products. Not only do cloth pads feel soft and comfortable (especially when compared to disposables), but they are easy to purchase or make yourself. Do you realize how much money you spend on disposables? It adds up over the years. A wonderful and inexpensive alternative is the menstrual cup, pictured below, which acts like a tampon, allows you to wear it for 12+ hours depending on your flow, and can last you 12 years or more, for a cost of approximately $20. 

Plus, many of the cloth pads look so darn cute! You can even personalize them and find what works best for you! You do not have as much control in that respect with disposables. Below, you will see some basic pads that I hand sewed. I used velour fabric (super soft, I love it!!) and on the other pad I used leftover Florida State Seminoles fabric. 

Ask yourself this question: When was the last time you looked forward to or didn't hate your period? Personally,  I do not dread or hate my period as much as I used to. True, I don't particularly enjoy my period, but I know that I am prepared no matter what flow my body chooses to give me and I even sometimes look forward to trying out new products I either made or purchased. It can be a bit exciting and sometimes addictive, lol. 

What about the ick factor though? Well, personally I cloth diaper my daughter. Unlike many people out there, I am the rare exception to those that are more grossed out by their periods than changing poopy diapers. I'd rather deal with my menstrual cycle using cloth reusable products than to deal with cloth diapering needs. That's just me though! So, if I can cloth diaper, I can most certainly be a cloth mama. 

If you are familiar with reusable solutions to your menstrual cycle, what is your favorite product and what has your experience been like?

If you are considering going reusable, what questions would you like me to address during my reviews? 

As always, thank you for reading my post and I hope you have a blessed week.


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