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Adventures in Homeschooling

My husband and I have decided to begin homeschooling our 11 year old son and 8 year old daughter, this year. We have chosen to utilize a combination of curriculums and these include Easy Peasy All In One Homeschooling, The Genesis Curriculum, and Time4Learning. These will be explained later on in this post, along with links to where you can find out more information about these curriculums if you are interested. As a disclaimer, I am in no way getting paid for blogging about these. I just wanted to share with other newbies out there the choices I have personally made in regards to homeschool curriculums for my own family.

We are excited and a little bit apprehensive about beginning on this new journey. Well actually, if I am being honest, I'm a bit terrified and worried that I won't be consistent or effective enough as a homeschooling mommy/teacher to really help my kids succeed. I have so much on my plate as it is, yet also feel the motherly pressure inside me that has been telling me that homeschooling is the only option that may actually work for our family. Perhaps, every new homeschooling mom feels like this at first. However, we are hopeful that our family has finally made a step in the right direction for our children's education. How many signs have to pass you by before you realize public school is just not going to work for a particular child, after all? At least that is what I've been realizing about our own situation, lately.

Why have we decided to begin on this homeschooling journey? I feel that public school has truly let my 11 year old son down and ruined his confidence and love for learning. He is a special needs student with learning disabilities, ADHD, and a brain tumor, which have complicated his journey in learning. No matter how much we tried, public school just was not a good fit for him. It didn't work for him, and it most certainly did not work for our family. Everyday was a struggle and in our experience the public school system is not equipped (whether because they were unwilling or did not have the budget) to help my son in the areas that he needed. Their solutions did not work for him, and mine put added demand on teachers (who were not too happy about it). I just wanted my son to succeed, but in a classroom of 24+ students and only one teacher in the classroom, teachers do not have time to help every student keep up. These students get left behind. One teacher alone can only do so much, just as parents are limited at what they can do at the school itself when they also have responsibilities elsewhere (ex: work, other children, etc.). I just got tired of my son paying for this gap in the public educational system (not to mention bullying that he has experienced). Enough is enough!

My 8 year old daughter on the other hand was excelling in public school. However, she did not want to go back to public school when she found out I was planning on homeschooling her brother. I try to provide equal opportunities for my children, so I did not think it was fair to make her go to public school if she didn't want to, while her brother was able to school at home. I've come to really realize that every child is different. Public education is not right for everyone, just as homeschooling may not be right for some. The point is that you have to find what works for you and go with it.

I knew for a while what the right move to make was. I knew for many years about homeschooling and even home-schooled my son for half of kindergarten. He loved homeschooling (we used the Abeka Academy video streaming curriculum at that time). However, it was a lot of work, because he was so young, required a lot of supervision and extra help, and the days were really long. I felt he got an excellent education, but it wore me out! I was in school myself at the time and had a new baby, as well. I began to realize that I was not superwoman and could not expect myself to be. So, I enrolled him into public school...a move I still regret today.

Fast forward to the last few months, I've really had to come to terms with my "failure" before as a homeschooling mom (because that is how I felt). I had to look deep within myself and realize that if I use a curriculum that allows my children more independence and shorter, more manageable school days, I can do it! So can my children! I considered using the Abeka Academy video streaming again, because I was familiar with it and truly believe it offers a wonderful education. I also believe that it would be a lot more manageable now that my children are older and that they would require less supervision with it than my son did in kindergarten. However, the price made it unthinkable for one child, let alone for two and eventually more. So, while I am not giving up on homeschooling, I had to consider my other curriculum options. I know there will be times when I will just want to toss in the towel from burnout and times when my children may feel the same way, we can succeed! I believe the curriculums we have chosen will help greatly! Now, let me share with you more about these curriculums...

Months ago, I did tons, and I mean tons of research on various homeschool curriculums that were affordable. I found great options that I had to turn away from, due to price. However, my heart, my gut, God, and many helpful reviews led me to Easy Peasy (EP). Not only was it free (yes, complete and free!), but it was amazing work on the author's part. I wasn't sure if it was up my alley at first, if you know what I mean. It seemed very complete, yet kinda complicated due to the various levels and years that allow you to customize your child's learning to meet their needs. On it's own, I believe it would be a wonderful curriculum to use. It offers a variety of subjects: bible, reading, writing, spelling, language arts, math, science, history, Spanish, sign language, Mango (and other languages), music, art, computer, and critical thinking. While, I do plan on using many of these great options from EP (even their nifty Rainbow Readers, so my children do not have to be glued to the computer everyday) I do plan on switching things up a bit. I kept thinking that I wanted to combine the various options for science and history per grade level in a way that allowed me to not have to bounce around from levels and years and have even more work on my plate. Hey, I guess I want my children to have variety and learn about biology, chemistry, physical science and earth science all in the same year. That's when I realized that the author and creator of Easy Peasy also created a non computer based curriculum that did just that! This curriculum is called The Genesis Curriculum.

The Genesis Curriculum is a relatively new curriculum created by a homeschooling mom, Lee Giles, who also is the author and creator of Easy Peasy. While, this particular curriculum is not free, it is affordable when compared to many others out there. This is due to the fact that the author wanted to keep things inexpensive for everyone. You only pay for the books you choose to purchase, not tuition. For example, you can pay for the curriculum book (which is about $36), and choose to print off the workbook for free if you choose to, in order to keep initial costs down. There is also an answer key booklet, a map book, and the optional copy and tracing workbooks (for younger students). This curriculum was designed to create a one classroom environment where students of different grades can come and learn together. The teacher is supposed to read the lessons out loud and encourage discussions. Personally, I plan on using this curriculum a little differently than it was intended. I plan on having my two children take turns reading aloud their lessons and complete what they can together, with me acting as a "supervisor." Then they can read from their own Rainbow readers or go onto the compuuter to complete Time4Learning lessons (which I plan on using mainly for math and review) or EasyPeasy for the add on subjects of foreign language, music, art, etcetera. This does not mean that I won't share in discussion times with my children, just that I will be trying to do what I think will be most successful in my house. It's also a great way for my children to learn some independence and team work. Win/win.

I ordered the Genesis curriculum and the Rainbow Readers today. I cannot wait to have these in hand and be able to prepare for September 1st, when we plan on beginning our new school year. I'm a planner, so the sooner I am able to have these and look through them the better able I will be to use them in conjunction with Time4Learning and EP in a way that makes sense with each daily lesson. We will see how it all goes. Until then, let me know your thoughts, struggles, and choices for homeschooling. What have you found that works for your family? Do you have any suggestions?


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