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A Personal Discovery of Finding Purpose & Hope From Life's Challenges

     Many of you know by now that I have a passion for writing. This passion has taken me to the next chapter in my life, becoming an author. This brave leap into professional writing was not one that I ventured down easily. It had always been a passion of mine, but not one I sincerely considered doing full-time.
     You see, becoming an author and focusing on my writing meant giving up my other career pursuits, ones that I had given much of my time and money to. It also seemed very risky to me, putting all my eggs into one basket, if you will, with no guarantees of success. If I should fail as a writer what then was left for me to do?
     Again, I didn’t come to this decision easily. In fact, it was a decision I realized I needed to make after experiencing chronic pain for the last two years. It was the chronic pain and the inability to work or pursue my doctorate education that led me to the realization that something had to give. I had to come to terms with my new normal, reevaluate my life goals, and rediscover my life’s purpose. I had to learn how to make lemonade with the lemons I had been handed in life. I realized then and there that everything I had worked so hard for wasn’t for nothing, after all. In fact, if anything, all that I worked towards and have experienced along my life’s journey, only made it all the more beautiful by the time I discovered my life’s purpose.
     This brings me back to writing. In fact, I am in the middle of writing a self-help book for those who struggle with chronic pain. I certainly never would have thought that after completing a bachelor’s degree in psychology and a master’s degree in counseling, volunteering my time as a relationship coach, and considering pursuing a doctoral degree in marriage and family therapy that I would end up putting that all to the side to instead become a writer. What can I say, God works in mysterious ways.
     God, what could God have to do with any of this, you may be asking? God has everything to do with it in my opinion. At least I believe so. You see, I worked towards a goal of becoming a licensed marriage and family therapist for the last eight years, but it never felt completely right. I was doing it, because I had to do something with my life, right? It was almost as though I had tried on a bunch of hats and looked good in all of them, but never truly found the one that I knew was made for me to wear. Now though I truly feel I have found that very hat. My calling. My purpose.
     Since discovering my purpose, I plan on using my talents, learned-knowledge, and yes even my own experiences to help others by instilling within them hope. I have begun writing self-help books ranging from chronic pain to divorce, fantasy novels I had begun writing years ago for fun, and starting up a support group for those in my area who are learning to live with chronic pain. It is my goal that this will then become a non-profit to help people further in my own community.
     So, if I could leave you, my audience, with any final message it would be to understand that God works in mysterious ways. Not everything works the way we have planned or expected it to, but somehow it all comes together beautifully. So, have faith and never give up hope. A better tomorrow is in sight if you are only open to it.


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