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Showing posts from August, 2015

Adventures in Homeschooling

My husband and I have decided to begin homeschooling our 11 year old son and 8 year old daughter, this year. We have chosen to utilize a combination of curriculums and these include Easy Peasy All In One Homeschooling, The Genesis Curriculum, and Time4Learning. These will be explained later on in this post, along with links to where you can find out more information about these curriculums if you are interested. As a disclaimer, I am in no way getting paid for blogging about these. I just wanted to share with other newbies out there the choices I have personally made in regards to homeschool curriculums for my own family. We are excited and a little bit apprehensive about beginning on this new journey. Well actually, if I am being honest, I'm a bit terrified and worried that I won't be consistent or effective enough as a homeschooling mommy/teacher to really help my kids succeed. I have so much on my plate as it is, yet also feel the motherly pressure inside me that has been