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Showing posts from March, 2015

Your Mind Vs. Your Heart: Which Should be Listened to?

      Today, I came across a post shared by a well respected man, Trent Shelton. If you do not know who Trent Shelton is, I highly suggest you search for him on YouTube or Facebook. His messages are uplifting, real, and will keep you holding strong during life's struggles. I personally, really enjoy his messages. However, today was a little different. Today, I read a post that he shared on Facebook which stated that we should listen to our minds, not our hearts. This perplexed me....and this is why....      It is my belief that we have both one heart and one mind for a reason. To not consider the advice that both give us and to only ever listen to one is like neglecting one side of the story when making a decision. The messages that one (your heart or brain) may give you may not be 100% wise, accurate, or smart. True, only listening to one's heart can be dangerous, risky, and destructive; leading to hurt, pain, and loss. However, only listening to your mind can be jus