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Showing posts from 2013

Transforming an Old Halloween Costume into a New Costume

For those of you who are on a tight budget and want to find a cheaper option for a Halloween costume, perhaps this post will be just what you are looking for!  This year, I decided to fix up one of my daughter’s play princess dresses and transform it into a much better looking, elegant, and pretty princess dress. My daughter loves the color pink, and really wanted to wear a pink dress for Halloween. I figured that if I could add a little pink and fancy-up her old dress she would love it! She did... From something that was only fit to be played something beautiful! Here is a picture I found of a similar dress (although not an exact design) before I transformed it. Here is what it looks like now (picture does not do it justice): What you need to know:  1) You really do not need to have a lot of skills to make a beautiful dress. 2) You can use what you already have around you or purchase your materials depending on your budget.  What I did:   1) I

The Power of Positive & Appropriate Touch

         Do you know how powerful touch is, the messages it gives, and the effect it has on a person’s emotional, psychological, and relational growth? Touch has been studied for many years in particular the healing nature it holds.           Massage therapists use touch to heal, parents use touch to hug and hold their children close. It’s no wonder it impacts a child’s sense of worth, feelings of love and security, etc. It doesn’t stop there. Adults need touch, too. Even those who are uncomfortable with touch or shy away from it come to find relief and a sense of happiness as endorphins and oxytocins are released and bonds are formed.             Appropriate, positive touch is important and needs to be encouraged more in our society. If you agree, post a comment below and share how appropriate, positive touch has been beneficial in your life or of someone else you know.

How to Determine Whether Your Relationship/Friendship is Healthy & What to Do about It.

             Friendships and relationships have been weighing on many people's minds, lately. Every time I turn around I seem to witness or hear about a relationship or friendship affected by unhealthy qualities. In all honesty, I'm no exception. However, I believe that if people do not become informed about these issues they may spiral out of control. So, I am offering my advice based on what I have learned from my own experiences and from my education in counseling. Relationships make life fulfilling and worthwhile in many ways, but how can you tell if your friendships or relationships are healthy or unhealthy? We all have our issues and insecurities; just as we all have our talents and unique personalities that make us who we are as individuals. The problems arise when there is unequal value and worth for the relationship or the individuals involved, if there is a lack of trust or respect, and if the relationship prevents the continuation of other friendships or activities.

Amazing and Natural Carpet Cleaner Detergent

         While, spring is the season known for heavy-duty cleaning around the home, many of you will be getting your homes ready for the holidays or for family visits. I've got a helpful tip on how to get your carpets looking their best in a more natural, and less harmful and expensive way. Instead of using those toxic often allergy inducing carper cleaning products use 3% hydrogen peroxide (diluted or undiluted), which you can buy at the dollar store or for an even better price, at Sam’s Club (you will want at least a couple bottles depending on your carpet space). Hydrogen peroxide is a natural chemical that acts as a disinfectant and can bleach and clean wonderfully. Always test it first, but you may have just found your favorite stain remover! You can also try this recipe that I created, as well. Natural Carpet Cleaner Detergent What you will need: - 1½ quarts of hot (NOT boiling) water - ¼ cup of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide (it’s the regular hydrogen peroxide that you can g

5 Helpful Tips to a Successful Yard Sale

           In most parts of the US, yard sale season will soon be coming to a close. However, for those of you currently hoping to have a yard sale before the season ends, this blog post may just be what you need to make this final yard sale really count. As an experienced yard sale shopper & host, I have gained the knowledge of things one should do or shouldn’t do, in order to have a successful yard sale. I don’t know about you, but as a yard sale shopper it is extremely irritating to be looking for signs while driving and have to worry about signs that are too small, pointing in the wrong direction, not written clearly, or overcrowded with information. So, I have come up with five helpful tips to help those planning to have a yard sale make sure it is a successful experience.     1)  Ensure you have sell-able merchandise. True, one person’s junk is another person’s treasure, but if it is broken, beaten, ripped, stained or something that realistically will not be sold it is