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Showing posts from 2017

Living An Organic Lifestyle: The Hunt for Organic, Non-toxic Makeup.

Two years ago, I quit wearing makeup due to health and financial reasons. I had learned about the toxic effects that mainstream makeup can pose for one's health and it made me take a careful look at what foods I ate, cosmetics I used, and chemicals I subjected my family and I to. For someone who practically depended on makeup to make me look better than I felt, as I live with a chronic illness, it was challenging to muster up positive self-esteem some days. I began to look as poorly as I felt. As time passed, I began researching organic makeup. As living an organic, healthy lifestyle became so important to me, I knew organic makeup was the way to go. In addition to this requirement, I didn't want any makeup that contained toxic ingredients or that contained ingredients that I was not comfortable with, such as hydrogenated oils. I began my hunt for organic, non-toxic makeup armed with the realization that not all organic makeup is created equal or avoids the use of potent

LivingLibations: A Health and Beauty Company that Cares about the best You!

I am so excited to share with you all a company worth your time, money, and consideration. LivingLibations is a collection of elixirs, essential oils, and serums that are derived from wild-harvested and organic ingredients. They make a variety of beauty, health, and aromatic products ranging from healthy oral care kits to beauty balms and an amazing blush that causes your cheeks to naturally blush on their own. Offering up a wide range of useful products, there is sure to be something for everyone! If you care about your health, using organic and wild-harvested products, and from a company that truly cares about you then look no further. *To go directly to their website click on the following link: One of the most notable products that LivingLibations offers is their organic oral care kits and individual dental products. As many people know, good oral care is a gateway to our body's overal

Interstitial Cystitis (IC) AKA Painful Bladder Syndrome: A Pain Management Journey

Interstitial Cystitis (IC), aka painful bladder syndrome, can produce mild to debilitating pain for those affected by it.  For me, having been living with it for the last 9 years or so, I have learned a great deal about the condition and things that have helped me to manage my pain. While sharing my experiences in the IC community, I came to realize that many people struggle to manage their pain. Medications are not always effective (and certainly come with some extreme potential side effects, such as heart attack and death). This leaves many people to be alone in their struggle. There is only so much known about the syndrome and as a syndrome it is not technically a disease, but a collection of symptoms; which should emphasize the lack of knowledge that even doctors have about the condition. I’m here to tell you that you can manage your IC symptoms. I have done it in the past. I lived relatively pain-free for years, prior to my last pregnancy. Flare-ups happened at most once a

Healing from and Reconciling after an Affair

Infidelity. The very word can cause people to feel a whole host of emotions. It is one of the most difficult things a marriage can go through. Most couples are not able to look past infidelity, but for some they learn to embrace the roller coaster ride of healing and forgiveness and are rewarded for their efforts. The process, if done successfully, can yield fruitful results. The couple can become stronger than they ever were before. However, it is not an easy, quick process. It will require a lot of commitment and work. Is this something you are ready to do? If not, then chances of success are slim. Ensuring that both people involved are 100% committed to the relationship is essential. After all, without this commitment infidelity is likely to reoccur. Both people have to want it and be willing to do the work necessary to fight for it. No successful marriage, or relationship for that matter, is healthy and happy without having to continually work for it 24/7, 365 days a year. W

A Personal Discovery of Finding Purpose & Hope From Life's Challenges

     Many of you know by now that I have a passion for writing. This passion has taken me to the next chapter in my life, becoming an author. This brave leap into professional writing was not one that I ventured down easily. It had always been a passion of mine, but not one I sincerely considered doing full-time.      You see, becoming an author and focusing on my writing meant giving up my other career pursuits, ones that I had given much of my time and money to. It also seemed very risky to me, putting all my eggs into one basket, if you will, with no guarantees of success. If I should fail as a writer what then was left for me to do?      Again, I didn’t come to this decision easily. In fact, it was a decision I realized I needed to make after experiencing chronic pain for the last two years. It was the chronic pain and the inability to work or pursue my doctorate education that led me to the realization that something had to give. I had to come to terms with my new normal, ree